Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Lucas Ridley, C '06

Check out Lucas' new video, burr oak vs. buckeye


Compartment 20 after thinning

October on the canopy walkway

Keri Bryan, C'12

firelane plantings from the 1960s

thinning white pine regen

Restoration students after an afternoon of manual thinning.

Compartment 20 thin

The Studer family forwarders in action at Compartment 20

Lewis Affronti with drip torch - Piney Point, Nov 2011

fire at Piney Point

Forest and watershed restoration students conducted a small prescribed fire at Piney Point in October 2011. The goals was to create forest floor conditions conducive to regenerating shortleaf pine.

Dr. Glen Smalley

A recent shot of Dr. Smalley. He recently revised his land type map of the Domain and this map will be included in the 2012 Domain Management Plan.

students digging fire line

Forest and Watershed Restoration students digging fire line for the 2012 prescribed fire at the recent airport clearing. The goal is to create a wet savanna.

Where are we?